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Anchomanes difformis - 'cracks' and 'cuts' divide leaf more and more 2013-08-04 Anchomanes difformis - young plant with an undivided leaf 2013-02-09 Anchomanes difformis - young plant with an undivided leaf 2013-02-10 Anchomanes difformis 2013-02-10 Anchomanes difformis - the next leaf, visible 'crack' which will divide it 2013-04-23 Anchomanes difformis - the next leaf, visible 'crack' which will divide it 2013-04-23 Anchomanes difformis - 'crack' divided a leaf into three leaflets 2013-05-10 Anchomanes difformis 2013-05-10 Anchomanes difformis - 'cracks' and 'cuts' divide leaf more and more 2013-08-04 Anchomanes difformis - upper part of the petiole - see the first spikes 2013-08-04 Anchomanes difformis - lower part of the petiole 2013-08-04